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What’s missing from your employee handbook?

When was the last time you reviewed your ministry’s employee handbook? If you can’t remember, now may be a good time to take a look.

It’s easy to do a self-guided review of your employee handbook with a free, online resource from our ministry partner, Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company. The Working Together online guide is like a handbook for your employee handbook.

You’ll find more than 50 sample policies to get you started along with overviews on hiring and onboarding, employment law, reducing risks as a faith-based employer, and more. If you update any policies as a result of your review, Brotherhood Mutual® strongly encourages you to have a licensed attorney in your area sign off on your final draft.

An employment handbook provides general guidelines about your ministry’s expectations for staff performance and conduct. It serves as an employee resource about your benefits and workplace policies, as well as your mission and culture. And as your ministry grows and adapts, your handbook should too. According to Brotherhood Mutual, having an out-of-date employee handbook can be as harmful as not having one at all.

Free resources like this one are among the benefits BMA America congregations receive by belonging to Brotherhood Mutual’s Ministry Partner program. For other helpful materials, visit the Ministry Partner page they have created for us.


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